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What is The DataFirst Method?

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The DataFirst Method is an IBM Analytics service that provides the game plan for a data-driven business. This is a methodology to extract more value from data. With it, you can understand where you are today, and what is the next best step to take.


It’s basically about gaining more value from the existing data strategy and taking analytics to the next level.

As IBM describes their DataFirst method “It’s simple. The more you put data to work in your organization, the better the outcome”.

IBM’s more than 2,000 global practitioners use the DataFirst Method to help clients transform their processes for data discovery, handling and analytics. The method can help clients with every phase of their data maturity, from efficiency all the way to modernization, democratization, and monetization.

How to Get Started

Businesses today understand the competitive advantage of gaining insights from data. With the amount of data that is produced doubling every two years, enterprises are struggling with how to continually increase the value they get from it.

The highly skilled data professionals at Cresco can provide your business a clear roadmap to show you how to progress in your use of data and become a cognitive business. We can also:

– Look at price/performance to lower the cost of data management for your back-office and operational systems.

– Accelerate your digital transformation by taking advantage of open source and cloud for innovation.

– Use self-service to provide every employee access to data and insight-driven business advantages and opportunities.

– Launch new business models or develop captivating new apps for competitive advantage.

For more information on how to get started with the DataFirst method, contact us right now.

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