Public Transit Ridership

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The people have rediscovered mass transit.

As a transit agency, now you need to improve your service levels in the face of increasing ridership, yet low resources. You can address this need of public transit ridership by harnessing analytics to streamline service, attract new customers while still retaining old ones.

Our customized solution focuses on scheduling and route optimization, with everything in between, with the ultimate goal of asset maintenance, as well as future planning and budgeting. Let’s have a quick look..


Transportation agencies have traditionally been hampered in planning, managing and evaluating their services by having to rely heavily on costly and unreliable manual data collection systems. From personalized customer information, to improved travel demand models, understanding these heterogeneous travel patterns is useful for a number of applications relevant to public transport agencies. Additionally, new technologies like smart card, cashless payments, etc. make the data sources as varied as can be. It’s only with the incorporation of data analytics that varied data sources and seemingly unstructured data can be utilized to transform into meaningful data that further helps the companies to upgrade their services.

Analytics have given Dallas Area Rapid Transit new insight into everything from passenger travel patterns to recurrent causes of delay, employee performance, crime patterns and equipment maintenance and repair trends. You can find our case study with DART here.

We use data analytics within our Public Transit Ridership solution to tremendously improve the ease, speed, accuracy, and cost burden of keeping track of transit ridership in the industry. Not only has the process of ridership counting per se been improved, but transit agencies now have a wealth of data about transit passengers’ riding behavior which enables them to better tailor public transport service and facilities to public needs, even helping passengers with arrival-time applications, as and where required.

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