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OptimCampaign is the #1 choice for organizations seeking to derive greater value from their marketing campaigns. OptimCampaign enables organizations to maximize their profit, ROI, orĀ  any other objective while satisfying their critical business constraints. This tool leverages best-in-class Decision Optimization and Machine Learning technologies to provide optimal marketing strategies for organizations in minutes.


Companies from various industries need to figure out the best way to use their limited marketing resources to market their products to their highest-value customers and prospects. However, marketing campaign planning can be tricky. How to best allocate a marketing budget across multiple campaigns? What is the best way to communicate with customer segments? What is the optimal marketing strategy that will maximize long-term sales? Only an efficient marketing campaign optimization tool can instantly answer these tough questions.

OptimCampaign is the #1 choice for organizations seeking to derive greater value from their marketing campaigns. OptimCampaign enables organizations to maximize their profit, ROI, or any other objective while satisfying their critical business constraints. This tool leverages best-in-class Decision Optimization and Machine Learning technologies to provide optimal marketing strategies for organizations in minutes.


Key Features


  • Solving large-scale marketing decision-making problem

  • Performing business simulations for proactive planning

  • Configurable business user interfaces

  • Integration with other campaign management systems



  • Efficient marketing resource utilization
  • Improved customer acquisition, retention, & lifetime value
  • Reduced costs
  • Higher response rates and ROI
  • Better alignment of campaigns with business rules and objectives
  • Increased sales & revenue growth


Developer: Dr. Meysam Cheramin


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